
To publish data from FlyWire, please see instructions here.

Scientific publications derived in whole or in part from use of FlyWire should cite our paper, Dorkenwald et al. 2021 and the website,

Please also add Acknowledgments: the Princeton FlyWire team and members of the Murthy and Seung labs for development and maintenance of FlyWire (supported by BRAIN Initiative grant MH117815 to Murthy and Seung).

FlyWire is based on EM image data that was released by Zheng, Lauritzen et al. 2018 under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license, so this paper should also be cited in scientific publications. Data generated by FlyWire will be made publicly available to the scientific community, in accordance with FlyWire Principles. The segmentation approach is adapted from our earlier work, Lee et al. 2017.

Principal investigators: Sebastian Seung and Mala Murthy

Director of Operations and Community: Claire McKellar

Alignment: Thomas Macrina, Nico Kemnitz, Barak Nehoran, Sergiy Popovych, Zhen Jia, Eric Mitchell, Kai Li

Design: Amy Sterling, Claire McKellar, Oluwaseun Ogedengbe, Chris Jordan, Marissa Sorek, Celia David, Devon Jones, Kai Kuehner, James Hebditch

Segmentation: Kisuk Lee, Ran Lu, Jingpeng Wu

Synapses: imported from the work of Buhmann et al. 2021. For using the “cleft_score” please also cite Heinrich et al. 2018. Transmitter predictions from Eckstein et al. 2020, with infrastructure contributed by Davi Bock, Gregory Jefferis and Eric Perlman. The prediction and dissemination of the neurotransmitter information was supported by NIH BRAIN Initiative (grant 1RF1MH120679-01); additional work including assembling ground truth data was also supported by Wellcome trust (203261/Z/16/Z).

Proofreading platform: Sven Dorkenwald, Nico Kemnitz, Chris Jordan, Forrest Collman, William Silversmith, Manuel Castro, Akhilesh Halageri, Oluwaseun Ogedengbe, Jonathan Zung, Kai Kuehner, Casey Schneider-Mizell, FlyWire's frontend is an adapted fork of Neuroglancer by Jeremy Maitin-Shepard at Google.

Training material: Claire McKellar, Diego Pacheco, Shruthi Ravindranath, Kathi Eichler

Proofreading testers: Austin Burke, Jay Gager, James Hebditch, Selden Koolman, Merlin Moore, Sarah Morejohn, Ben Silverman, Kyle Willie, Ryan Willie, and Murthy Lab

Annotation infrastructure (CAVE): Forrest Collman, Sven Dorkenwald, Casey Schneider-Mizell, Derrick Brittain, Chris Jordan

Ground truth annotation: Szi-chieh Yu, Seung lab tracing team. The ground truth data are available here.

Image acquisition: Zheng et al. 2018.

Montaging: Eric Trautman, Stephan Saalfeld

Funding: NIH BRAIN Initiative RF1 MH117815-01 & Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) via Department of Interior/ Interior Business Center (DoI/IBC) contract numbers D16PC00003, D16PC00004, and D16PC0005. Disclaimer: The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of IARPA, DoI/IBC, or the U.S. Government. Additional support from the Mathers Foundation, as well as assistance from Google and Amazon.

With additional thanks to all the members of the Seung and Murthy labs, and the staff of Eyewire.